Berkshire Eagle
  Monday, July 18, 2005

  Don't be fooled by 'foolproof' law

  In a complex world rife with uncertainty, Governor Romney claims he 
  can be absolutely certain about an issue of life and death. Mr. 
  Romney told the Judiciary Committee last week that his bill 
  restoring capital punishment to the state is "infallible" because 
  the burden of proof is so high that there is no possibility
  of false executions. Several states are considering abandonment of 
  the death penalty because so many innocent men sent to death row 
  because of mistakes or willingly false statements have been released 
  in recent years, but the governor is bucking the tide with 
  legislation he arrogantly believes is foolproof. Berkshire District 
  Attorney David Capeless wisely pointed out to the panel that any 
  system reliant upon people, even if well-intentioned, is subject to 
  error and cannot by definition be foolproof. The House has stood 
  firm against the death penalty, most recently in 2001. It should do 
  so again in the case of this bill, and this time the Senate should 
  join it.